15.8 million citizens withdisabilities reportedvoting in the November2022 elections. 1 Voters with disabilities have the right to an equal opportunity to vote. The followinglaws protect this fundamental aspect of participating in society.1The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (asamended in 1982) …

Four Laws That Protect the Rights of Voters with Disabilities Read more »

The Boards of Directors of Exceptional Family Resources (EFR) and ARISE announce their strategic decision to merge the organizations to better serve people with disabilities.  Both organizations are committed to delivering person-centered services to ensure that people with disabilities are …

Exceptional Family Resources and ARISE Merge Read more »

A Disability Rights & Awareness Project Go to Calendar of Upcoming Events Go to Podcasts Six grass-roots organizations coming together to support disability rights Calendar of Upcoming Events Caregiver Wellness Day Podcasts Empowering DEAF New Americans Empowering Mothers of Children …

Nothing About Us Without Us Read more »